Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Light as a connecting force

Yesterday’s blog finally mentioned something that has been on my mind, ever since watching some episodes of the TV-series Evil, rated at #7.8 in IMDb. In episode 1, the concept of connectors appears:

“There are people in this world who are… connectors. They influence people. They have day jobs. Uh, teachers, stockbrokers, uh… expert witnesses. They pretend to be normal, but their real pursuit is… evil. Encouraging others to do evil.”

Source: Quote from Evil (Se01Ep01-Pilot)

My problem with that quote is that it’s one-dimensional: it suggests that there are only bad connectors. Such a suggestion does not – at all – reflect reality. In my view, there are connectors for good and for evil. Most are for good, while some are for evil.

The fundamental concept of interconnectedness requires a force (ie, Power) that connects everything, including such connectors. The only force I can imagine is (sun) light a.k.a. electromagnetic radiation. Besides warmth, light also provides health (eg, source). Without light, there would be no Life (eg, source).

In my view, light is a neutral force (similar to Love) that connects everything (eg, reflecting mass). Its opposite is a lack of light, and thus an absence of life. Hence, I do not believe in the hypothetical dark energy; see yesterday’s blog.

It just occurred to me that my Love, Knowledge & Power triangle is an example of interconnectedness.

In that view, Love, Knowledge & Power are dimensions within my concept of the 7 Belief systems, and might also be connectors.

My gut feeling disagrees however: connectors must be (“weak”) forces in order to reflect and reconnect.

Dimensions is just a label for categorization purposes.

Considering the above, universal consciousness must use light to transfer data-info towards individual consciousness (eg, inspiration). This transfer is visualised by the small arrows in my recent blog: Theory of everything (4).

To be continued.

Leave a Light On (2017) by Tom Walker
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song

If you look into the distance, there’s a house upon the hill
Guidin’ like a lighthouse
To a place where you’ll be safe to feel our grace
‘Cause we’ve all made mistakes
If you’ve lost your way

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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