My blog title has been borrowed from a recent article in the online magazine Aeon. I did wonder about this question as well, given some of my actions. In my early 2022 blog Self-sabotaging, I had assumed that self-sabotage was about conscious versus subconscious.
The problem is that nobody knows what consciousness is because it remains a scientific mystery. The author of the Aeon article writes something that felt very familiar (to me): “[] something strange began to happen inside my head”. Unfortunately, I blurted those words and hurt someone.
My 2021 diagram below shows an interesting connection between various of my concepts:
- Attitude, Behaviour & Personality;
- Body, Mind & Soul (eg, Sumerian);
- Deeds, Words & Intentions (eg, Zoroastrianism);
- Faith, Hope & Love (eg, Corinthian+Christian);
- Love, Knowledge & Power (eg, Bertrand Russell);
- Needs, Wants & Beliefs, Awakening & Wisdom.
In my view, that interconnectedness is as follows:
- Body > Needs > Words > Attitude;
- Mind > Wants > Deeds > Behaviour;
- Soul > Beliefs > Intentions > Personality.
Our self-sabotage relates to the first line and fast thinking. The second line may relate to slow thinking. The third line is a known unknown.
The above may explain the how, what, when, where & who but I still doubt the why. Perhaps, the first line (ie, Body > Needs > Words > Attitude) is about primal consciousness and/or emotion. The first line is not about logic and/or ratio. Perhaps, it’s about the 4 levels of consciousness after all.
Grenade (2010) by Bruno Mars
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.