Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Why a negative mindset?

Yesterday’s blog wondered about the why of a negative mindset. My preliminary thoughts suppose that our beliefs should be the explanation. In my view, human beliefs separate us from all other lifeforms.

All lifeforms have needs (eg, food, water). Several lifeforms (ie, animals, humans) have wants (eg, birds cracking nuts). Some animals (eg, elephants, orcas) show signs of proto-religious beliefs (eg, mourning).

All humans are governed by their beliefs. To define believing: we know that we do not know – but still we believe. Our 7 belief systems (2016: love, money, politics, religion, philosophy, science, the truth) explain human behaviour.

Needs are limited to have’s (eg, sunlight, water). Wants require more intelligence and mobility in order to expand the have’s and the have nots towards the want to have (eg, predators).

Human beliefs are responsible for our inventions, like: agriculture, airplanes, automobiles, clocks, computers, language, mathematics, skyscrapers, and time. Those inventions require(d) a positive mindset.

I suppose our negative mindset is related to have nots but wanting “it” anyway. Once you’re satisfied with what you have, it gets difficult to develop a negative mindset. Moreover, happy people are unlikely to display a negative mindset.

Also see my related 2016 blogs:

Mid July 2020, I published my diagram to the left.

My diagram explains why any society will end with (extreme) beliefs.

No society (macro) has ever reached a collective stage of Awakening or Wisdom. Both those stages appear limited to individuals (micro).

“Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success.”

A quote by Dr. Charles F. Glassman from his 2009 book Brain Drain – The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

Forget Me Nots (1982) by Patrice Rushen
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song

Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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