Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Mrs. No

Sometimes, I answer with a “No” to a question. Such an answer is rare for me. I prefer avoiding questions rather than giving negative answers. Our reason for (not) answering with a “No” may well relate to the following quote:

“It’s not rude to ask a question. It’s rude to expect an answer.”

A quote by Louis Theroux (b.1970), “a British-American documentarian, journalist, broadcaster, and author.”

Recently, a former girlfriend (2015) was my guest. She kept saying “No” to my dating related questions. She explained her positive intentions behind her negative words. It was hard accepting her positivity behind that negativity.

I tried to loosen the tension by nicknaming her Mrs. No. That didn’t work. She complained that I became distant towards her. I explained Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: any action (from her) results in a reaction (from me).

Her No’s resulted in a shorter stay. She suggested staying for another day and try harder. I declined. I explained that trying equals expected failure. Moreover, I didn’t want her to try what she would regret later.

Her No’s relate to the negative impact of her former dating attitude (ie, being too “easy”). I told her that her new approach will hurt her goal (ie, a match). She understood. Nevertheless, she does not want to repeat her mistakes.

I suppose both of us have reached a different phase in our lives. Although we are both willing to be a match, we are unable to. Somehow, I doubt that we will get a 3rd chance in time.

The above made me realise how much we dislike hearing a “No”. It hurts.

Mrs. No (2011) by Mr. Moustache
Bandcamp artist, Facebook, Facebook, no lyrics, video, Soundcloud song, Wiki – Mr. Moustache

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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