My title is a translation of a Dutch saying (eg, Dutch examples). This saying was new to me and caught my immediate attention. Once you start thinking about it then it indeed seems true. Feel free to change the word love by the word attention. I prefer the word love though.
The Nobel-winning English polymath Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) wrote about the human love for Knowledge and the human love for Power (eg, source). His words resulted in my concept of Love, Knowledge & Power – a.k.a. trialism. His thinking and my thinking fit with today’s blog title.
Love is a human need, a want, and a belief and is impossible to define. Hence, the ancient Greek used (at least) six words for the various types of love, being agápē (divine love), érōs (romantic love), philía (friendship), philautía (self-love), storgē (parental love), and xenía (guests).
Moreover, various movies and songs show similar messages:
Is it possible finding exceptions to my blog title? My initial thought was sleeping. However, in my case sleep fits my blog title. My second thought was doing my tax returns. Once my procrastination has passed, I do enjoy completing my tax returns. Actually, no exceptions come to my mind.
In recent blogs, I stated that (romantic) love might be instinctive, which is an unknown known. Other types are known knowns (ie, facts), known unknowns (ie, beliefs) and unknown unknowns (eg, fantasy). We know when we love is but we do not know how, what, where – let alone why.
The above gives me a very weird feeling about a question that still fails to become conscious.
To be continued – or not.
“Everything we do is either an act of love or a cry for help.”
A quote from (probably) A Return to Love (1992) by American author Marianne Williamson (b.1952)
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You (1991) by Bryan Adams
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-song
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.