Each day, I find / get / have new inspiration for writing these blogs. After all these years, it’s hard to answer these basic questions: What is inspiration? Why do we get it? Where does it come from? How do we get it? Who gets inspiration and who doesn’t? Most of all, inspiration is a mystery.
Like others (eg, FD), I have my views. These views of mine are similar to the TED Talk below.
Inspiration comes to me at random moments and places (ie, When and Where). However, these moments and places have something in common: peace of mind and/or serenity. It feels like receiving sudden ideas outside any existing context (ie, what). These are the simple answers. Now it gets complex.
In my view, inspiration is like an interface (ie, How) between our individual conscious mind and the collective universal consciousness (ie, Who). Hence, my writing about panpsychism and panspermia (eg, astrobiology). In my view, our concept of Religion is an oversimplification of those other concepts.
Why do we get inspiration? This is the hardest question of all. Nevertheless, everything follows Why. Ultimately, it must relate to learning and teaching of Knowledge.

The diagram (left) represents the DIKW model or DIKW pyramid in management consulting; see layers for abbreviation.
In my view, Wisdom does not belong in this model. Wisdom is a perception by others; not you. It is not something one can buy unlike data, information or knowledge.
Moreover, inspiration does not relate to the first and second layer. In my view, it only relates to the third and possibly the fourth layer.
In my view, the collective universal consciousness represents a separate dimension, apart from SpaceTime. Hence, no information will ever be “lost” (eg, no-hiding theorem). The “interface” (see above) ensures that collective information gets back into individual consciousness (ie, Why).
The must-see TED video below mentions something strange: inspiration is wandering around, looking for (appropriate) recipients. If a recipient is unwilling, inspiration will move on to the next person. This behaviour would suggest that even knowledge is conscious.
In my view, Knowledge is “travelling” on the crossroads of three dimensions: (1) SpaceTime, (2) Energy-Matter and (3) Data-Info. This traveller is called inspiration.
Your elusive creative genius (2009) by Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilbert, TED transcript, video, Wiki
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.