Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

“I need a new direction”

I heard those words (see above) while listening to Pino Daniele (1955-2015) on (web) Radio Monte Carlo, which plays his songs 24/7. These words struck me because I’m in a similar mood (probably). The related song is called Time to Change or Tempo di Cambiare in Italian.

I’m not sure what I should change though (eg, blog topics, house, life). Or how, when, where. Perhaps, the why is easier. I’m getting restless. I suppose that my restlessness is more related to the word “Time” in “Time to Change” than the word “Change“. I’m in the autumn of my years (eg, lyrics, song, Wiki).

Mid 2019, I relocated to a new environment in which nobody knew me. I bought a new car to start travelling (eg, Italy, Sicily). For the past two years, I did not travel – for obvious reasons. My delayed plans did not catch up with me – until now. Watching Signora Volpe on BBC First made my longing worse.

To date, Cortona has been my favourite spot in Italy. I learned about it following the 1996 book Under the Tuscan Sun (and 2003 film) by Frances Mayes, an American author. Perugia, the capital city of Umbria, is my second. Monopoli might be my third, following a 2017 WSJ article and its related blog.

I prefer the island of Sicily over mainland Italy. Sicily is like an open-air museum with superb panoramic views and nice beach towns (eg, Cefalù, Taormina). Once, I dreamt I would retire on Sicily (2017 blog).

Change is limited to the dimensions that we know: time and space. The arrow of Time is one-way (ie, ageing). That remains Space as a variable (eg, location, relocation). My reference to (i) blog topics is about my (alleged) Data-Info dimension (eg, Wiki), while (ii) “life” is about my (alleged) Energy vs Matter dimension.

Actually, there is not much that we can “change”. That could also explain (my) restlessness.

“Dreams and restless thoughts came flowing to him from the river, from the twinkling stars at night, from the sun’s melting rays. Dreams and a restlessness of the soul came to him.”

A quote from the 1922 novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (1877-1962).

Tempo Di Cambiare (2001) by Pino Daniele (1955-2015)
artist, lyrics, translation, video, Wiki-artist, Wiki-album

ma forse c’è
Un messaggio da capire,
c’è una pista da seguire
Noi facciamo tutti parte
della stessa sorte
I need a new direction
I need a new direction

but maybe there is
A message to understand,
there is a clue to follow
We’re all part of it.
of the same fate
I need a new direction
I need a new direction

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless in quotes or stated otherwise.




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