Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

No one can live without Hope

Today is the 6th day of war, Ukraine is still fighting back against the Russian invasion. That mere fact is providing Hope to all Ukrainians. According to a recent Polito article, the Russian president may have assumed that Ukraine would be like Afghanistan: a fleeing president and a swift surrender. A major miscalculation.

The Ukrainian resistance is also providing Hope to – and support from – Europe and even Turkey (ie, access to Bosphorus). Russia is being isolated and is threatening to deploy its nuclear weapons. The American and European retaliation would destroy Russia. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent for preventing an attack.

A successful isolation of Russia will also prevent China from attacking Taiwan.

Despite Russian threats, it is also becoming more likely that Finland and Sweden will join NATO.

Such events could – and probably would – make the Russian president even more reckless. In my view, it’s becoming more and more likely that Russians will (need to) protect themselves from a president who has lost touch with reality. Soon, Putin and Rasputin may share a similar fate.

The fall of the Russian president would also jeopardize a 3rd term for the Chinese leader (eg, Bloomberg).

The joint international efforts against Russia – and indirectly China – are providing Hope to all of us.

Perhaps, the Israeli historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari (b.1976) is right after all when he argues that what’s at stake in Ukraine is the direction of human history (eg, Economist, Twitter).

The above is a macro perspective of the importance of Hope. Notwithstanding the above, Hope is equally important in each and every individual (or micro) life. No one can live without Hope.

If and when we pray for Ukraine, we also pray for ourselves.

Without Hope You Cannot Start the Day (1991) by Yes
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Hold still now for the moving information close to you
You could never force it in your life this decision
To break it without hope, you cannot start the day

Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless in quotes and/or stated otherwise.



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