Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Time Out

28 February 2022


I need a time out from writing. I have no clue when I will find the inspiration for resuming my writing.

I suffer from my burden of empathy (my 2017 blog) following the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

Our (Dutch) lives are moving on as if nothing has happened, while lives in Ukraine are ending without any logical reason. We are celebrating the end of corona restrictions, while citizens of Ukraine are sheltering in underground railway stations to protect themselves from Russian bombs.

Our mood will change rapidly if and when it would appear that Ukraine is not the ultimate target.

There are some silver linings as the international response suggests that others are also afraid that Ukraine is just the start rather than the finish. Who would have thought that the (foreign) assets of the Russian Central Bank could and would be frozen?

I pray for the citizens of Ukraine and for the fall of the ones responsible for this reckless act of war.

Also see my 2019 blog: The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971).




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