Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Idiocracy (5)

Monday last week, I noticed an article in the Dutch Telegraph: Experts want more clarity about corona policy asap – you cannot continue forever with harmful measures. I had assumed that the economy would have won from healthcare by now. I was wrong. Various – if not many – governments are starting to double down on their harmful measures. My diagram below illustrates the various battlelines.

More and more, I’m concerned that our “era of stupidity” and the emerging idiocracy may actually be winning from Knowledge (ie, Faith, Philosophy, Science) and Power (ie, Data-Info, Money, Technology). Such a situation cannot last for decades. I suppose that Power will have no choice but to interfere. Hence, the arrival of Plato’s 5th regime type: a tyranny. Also see my blogs on Plato’s five regime types of 2018 and 2021.

The (minority) belief in a Great Reset (see my 2020 blog) fits our era of stupidity. In my view, you cannot apply any conceptual thinking (eg, the Great Reset) to our “era of stupidity”. Moreover, stupidity is a specific blindspot in our thinking and does not define our entire identity and/or intelligence. Please read this Psyche article and/or my recent blog: Why some of the smartest people can be so very stupid.

Sadly, most people either have a micro view rooted in empathy, or a macro view rooted in pragmatism. So far, the first group has the majority as empathy is a strong argument. In my view, both perspectives are correct: Covid-19 is very real and results in an about 5% mortality risk for about 5% of any population worldwide. Hence, the global average cumulative mortality rates of about 0.2% to 0.3% (5% x 5% = 0.25%).

The more knowledgeable people agree with me but they (implicitly) argue that empathy is more important than anything else. I fail to see why empathy for 5% can be viewed as more important than empathy for 95%. Probably because you need to have pity for the sick, and no pity for those who have seen their lives ruined. Ideology always results in arrogance and/or ignorance.

It’s still unclear to me whether you can escape from this emerging idiocracy. Emigration options seem very limited or even non-existent. For the moment, I’m stuck in the middle with you.

Stuck In The Middle With You (1973) by Stealers Wheel
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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