My friend’s question caught me by surprise. My thinking went silent for a moment. My initial answer was still kind of evasive in order to buy time: ‘mosquitoes are part of the food chain’. Humans are on top of the food chain until another species comes along and above us. In the back of my mind another question popped up: why do we need humans? The ultimate question seems to be: why do “we” need life or lifeforms?
Actually, planets do not need life or lifeforms. Nearly all planets do not harbour life, except (at least) Earth. Nevertheless, life does arise when certain planetary conditions are met (eg, atmosphere, light and warmth from nearby star, water). One could argue that Life seems to want life or lifeforms. Evolution seems to have a blueprint (my blogs).
There are two driving forces within Evolution: complexity and simplicity (my blogs). In general, evolution results in more complex lifeforms (eg, humans). This complexity is, however, inward (eg, brain, consciousness, intelligence). From an outward perspective, many multicellular lifeforms share similar default features (eg, arms, ears, eyes, head, legs, nose). Using default building blocks marks simplicity.
The use of these two driving evolutionary forces (ie, complexity and simplicity) is evidence (to me) that Evolution cannot be random. Hence, exit Chaos theory and enter the blueprint theory a.k.a. grand design.
One could wonder about the Who behind this blueprint or grand design (eg, Allah, God, Yahweh) but the Why is even more interesting. As noted before in my blogs: Everything follows Why (my 2017 blog).
A human analogy would suggest that the answer is: because “they” can. Indirectly, this answer would also assume that arrogance is involved. Human arrogance – and ignorance – explain a lot (my blogs).
Another answer is that Life, including its governing principles balance and symmetry, makes everything look more beautiful.
Perhaps, the answer is about universal consciousness a.k.a. panpsychism, and its need for distributed consciousness. Example: suppose the octopus (1 head, 3 hearts, 8 limbs, 9 brains) represents universal consciousness, then its tentacles represent distributed consciousness.
Most likely, it’s a combination of all of the above as everything in life is about and/and; not or/or.
Life’s What You Make It (1985) by Talk Talk
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2
Baby, life’s what you make it
Can’t escape it
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.