Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Somebody’s watching us

On 30 October 1938, a live radio show caused panic amongst its listeners (Wiki). That event played an adaptation of The War of the Worlds, an 1898 novel by H. G. Wells, which was directed by future filmmaker Orson Welles. On 25 June 2021, the US government released a highly anticipated report on UFOs (eg, BBC). This time there was no commotion – let alone panic.

That second event does, however, not rule out an extraterrestrial origin for these UFOs. The absence of any panic may imply several reasons: (i) we don’t believe or trust our governments, (ii) we have bigger problems to deal with, and/or (iii) we have already accepted this. To a large extent, these explanations follow the five stages of processing grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (or DABDA).

Almost simultaneously, a study in Nature magazine has “identified 1,715 star systems in our cosmic neighbourhood where alien observers could have discovered Earth in the past 5,000 years by watching it “transit” across the face of the sun.” (Guardian) Amongst these are “29 potentially habitable planets”.

This UFO report does not deny their existence, which was common before. It confirmed 144 UFO sightings over the last two decades, without giving any explanation about who, what or why. Most likely, the why is about reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition. Hence, Star Trek Discovery by extraterrestrials.

Often, human emotions follow a cycle of Doubt-Fear-Hope-Love (my blogs). So, why has apparent indifference taken over from doubt and fear? The (psychological) flow model by Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi offers an explanation: apathy (or indifference) is a stage in between boredom (eg, due to pandemic) and worry (or doubt) and anxiety (or fear). See Wiki diagram.

On 2 December 2020, the former 30-year head of Israel’s Defense Ministry‘s space directorate, professor of aeronautics and astronautics, and retired general Haim Eshed, made several stunning claims (eg, Independent, Jerusalem Post, NBC News, Yediot):
– for years, humans have been in contact with a “Galactic Federation”;
– aliens from all over the universe are already walking among us;
– they are keeping themselves a secret to prevent hysteria until humanity is ready;
– the cooperation agreements between the US government and the extraterrestrial federation includes an underground base in the depths of Mars, where American astronauts and alien representatives mingle, and
– aliens played a part in preventing nuclear holocausts.

Some claim this is a publicity stunt to promote his new book: The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed. I doubt that as his claims fit certain developments (eg, NASA, SpaceX).

“Let’s take a minute and appreciate the fact that the government now says UFOs are real and no one seems to give a crap.” A tweet by comedian Dana Gould, an American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer.

Somebody’s Watching Me (1984) by Rockwell
featuring Michael Jackson on background vocals
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2, Wiki-3

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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