Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Space: a distance in time

20 May 2021


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Suppose, just suppose, that speed would be unlimited. Would geography or space then still matter? Both would just be travel coordinates. Space is only relevant because speed limits increase the use of time. Essentially, space is a distance in time and speed defines its amount of time.

In this Aeon interview, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin states that Albert Einstein saw the entire Universe as a box of events that have time coordinates and space coordinates.

The speed of light is a universal benchmark. All matter travels slower-than-light (also subluminal or STL). The reason is simple: matter creates friction, heating and thus energy loss. It’s hypothesized that “particles with zero rest mass” (a.k.a. tachyonsmight be able to travel faster-than-light (also superluminal or FTL). Information might well be an example of such tachyons.

Notwithstanding the previous paragraph (about matter travelling slower-than-light), “there are galaxies in the Universe moving away from one another at a velocity greater than the speed of light”. Apparently, that phenomenon is an optical illusion (eg, Phys-2015BBC-2016, Forbes-2019).

There is a shortcut that would allow faster-than-light speed: intergalactic travel through wormholes (eg, Mashable, Scientific American). Just picture yourself a Swiss blue cheese as the Universe: the bubbles inside are galaxies and the blue veins are wormholes. Essentially, wormholes are like super highway tunnels through the Universe.

A wormhole or Einstein-Rosen bridge “is a hypothetical concept that connects two separate areas of space-time. Wormholes often appear in science fiction narratives like the 2014 film Interstellar as a convenient way to get from point A to point B in the vast universe.” (Astronomy).

Black holes might well be portals connected by wormholes. Since 2020, we know there is a nearby black hole accompanied by two stars that looks like a blue bright star in our sky (eg, Nat Geo). More recently, scientists are wondering whether the missing Planet X from our solar system, might actually be a black hole rather than a planet (eg, AstronomyNYT).

Obviously, the existence of UFO’s (eg, Space-2021, WaPo-2021, my blog) flying faster than the speed of night (sic!), requires the existence of nearby black holes and wormholes (Scientific American-2021).

Faster Than the Speed of Night (1983) by Bonnie Tyler
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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