Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Bosch (Amazon Prime Video)

25 May 2021



Amazon Prime Video features a police series with an exceptionally high IMDb rating: Bosch (# 8.4). I ignored that series for quite some time as that rating was hard to believe. Last Tuesday, I completed season 6. The 7th and final season will air on 25 June 2021 (Express). My IMDb rating is even higher than its 8.4 average: a 9 because a 10 might be too much. 

Actually, it’s not that easy explaining the magical blend of this series. Basically, it’s about a cop, his daughter, his ex-wife, his colleagues, office politics, city politics and – obviously – solving crimes. That’s about it. Nevertheless, the storylines are often (very) intense and touching, and the jazz music (eg, intro, night scenes) is great. 

It helps a lot that this TV series is based on the novels by bestselling author Michael Connelly, of whom I had actually never heard before. Fortunately, the author is an executive producer on this show, which probably helped transferring book success into TV success.

The present Harry Bosch is consequence of the past Harry Bosch: his mother was a prostitute whose murder was never solved, and Harry grew up as a rebel in foster homes. The present Harry Bosch takes a keen interest in cold cases (including his mother’s) and in society’s underdogs. These interests guarantee future conflicts with his superiors.

Harry Bosch is a grinder for righteousness, regardless of office or city politics. His superiors need him to solve the city’s crimes but loathe his ethics. Essentially, they cannot live with or without him. Their dilemma guarantees his job protection. It’s unclear, however, whether Harry Bosch even needs his monthly paycheck as he is well-off following a successful movie.

Harry Bosch is an intriguing mix of a lone wolf and a teamplayer, both in private and at work. He is less dysfunctional in work relations than in parental or romantic relations. His work represents most of his life. While retirement of police officers is a sub theme, it’s impossible to even consider the retirement of Harry Bosch. The abyss would be too deep. 

Most storylines are sequential and even run through various seasons, which gives an authentic flavour as real life isn’t about seasonal episodes either. The multi-season uncovering of the murderer of Harry Bosch’ mother is an example of this approach. 

I’m looking forward to the 7th and final episode of Harry Bosch.

Can’t Let Go (2014) by Caught a Ghost


Note: all markings (bolditalic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.



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