Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

The redundancy of politics (3)

If the Covid-19 pandemic has learned us anything then it’s that politics is useless and (thus) redundant (my blogs). Either politicians deny or denied Covid-19 (eg, Brazil, Tanzania, UK, USA-Trump) with a disastrous result, or they exaggerate its impact on society (ie, < 0.1% cumulative fatality rate). The only country with a pragmatic approach was scolded for it (ie, Sweden). 

newly appointed Dutch Central Bank director made an interesting recent observation in the Dutch Financial Times: “Alle grote veranderingen zijn helaas het gevolg van grote ongelukken.” In English, this would translate like: “Unfortunately, all big changes are the consequence of big accidents”. I suppose this thesis will also apply following the political mistreatment of Covid-19.

I think, feel and believe that the lack of Western political pragmatism is a (main) reason for the popularity of (left-wing and right-wing) nationalistic parties. The arrogance of globalism prevents the embracing of (cultural) identity based politics (eg, immigration), following the perceived ignorance of nationalism (my 2017 blog). 

According to Greek philosopher Plato (c.428 BC – c.347 BC), democracy would be succeeded by tyranny (my 2018 blog). Many people will argue that nationalism => authoritarianism => tyranny. This might be valid argument, given human history (eg, Hitler) and its habit of repeating itself.

In my 2019 version of the 7 Belief systems, I’ve assumed that multinational tech corporations will take over from Politics and the Truth. Data-Info and Tech will replace them. The fight between Money and Politics (both in the 2016 Power domain) is most visible in China. The outcome of that Chinese battle may confirm – or deny – my 2019 version of the 7 Belief systems.

Last but not least, the continued U.S. political stalemate in its Congress is another reason for expecting the future redundancy of politics. US pragmatism must return if they intend to stay a global superpower. Presenting China as a common (Dem+Rep) adversary is key in that return.

The above is well illustrated by a famous quote by Ernest Benn (1875-1954), which is often misattributed to Groucho Marx (1890-1977):

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.” 

Useless (1997) by Depeche Mode
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2 

All your stupid ideals 

You’ve got your head in the clouds 

You should see how it feels 

With your feet on the ground

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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