Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Monism – why people are so stupid

Yesterday’s blog on complacency gave an explanation for the question in Monday’s blog: why are people so stupid? A more fundamental explanation is the ongoing transformation in societies towards monism. Monism is a (philosophical) belief in Power. As Lord Acton once stated: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, including our human mind.

Societies find their balance by a choice from three beliefs: Love, Knowledge and/or Power (my blogs). A society governed by all three beliefs is called trialism (my blogs), two beliefs is dualism (my blogs), and only one belief is called monism (my blogs). 

A diagram in my 2020 blog, The Art of War, shows the natural flow of trialism, dualism and monism. Click to enlarge.

More and more, countries are moving to monism, which is defined by a belief in – and quest for – Power.

The centuries old balance and belief, often referred to as Knowledge = Power, is losing its relevance.

The above applies to societies (macro) as well as individuals (micro). Individuals believe more in money (= Power) than in knowledge.

In my view, this also explains the demise of left-wing parties in (European) multi-party systems. The current Dutch prognosis is only some 23% for the main 3 left-wing parties (ie, GL, PvdA, SP).

The belief in (super) Power is also visible in the (economic, political, scientific, technological) decoupling between China and USA. Both are forcing other countries to make a choice: you’re either with us, or against us. The exit of Trump and the emerging dangers of China’s debt-trap diplomacy will enable countries to reconsider their options (eg, NRC, translation NRC).

China’s war rhetoric over Taiwan (eg, US News) is an example of stupidity in monism

Sunday Bloody Sunday (1983) by U2

artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2, Wiki-3

And it’s true, we are immune 

When fact is fiction and TV reality 

And today, the millions cry 

We eat and drink while tomorrow, they die

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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