Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Arrogance & ignorance – why people are so stupid

Over the years, I’ve written about arrogance vs ignorance (my blogs). These characteristics are each other’s opposites: the arrogance of Left and ignorance of Right (2017) and the ignorance of Nationalism and arrogance of Globalism (2017). The link between ignorance and stupidity is quite clear (eg, Saturday’s blog: We’re living in a golden age of ignorance).

Yet, arrogance is a bigger source of stupidity. Why? At least, ignorance has two explanations: unwillingness and inability. Arrogance isn’t about being unwilling or unable. Arrogance is a choice rooted in fear. Source: “The fear that drives Arrogance is the fear of vulnerability.”

That fear of vulnerability may well explain a new nickname: the “illiberal left” (eg, LA Times). Freedom used to be a cornerstone in Liberalism (my blogs). Liber even means “the free one”. Nowadays, the illiberal left are mainly busy restricting rights of freedom (eg, speech, worship).

In 2018, I wrote my blog the 7 stages of Liberalism. Back then, I didn’t see an emerging circle. Today, I wonder whether we have gone full circle, and are back at stage 1A: “Freedom for some people” and the start of a new serfdom.

I think, feel and believe that the centrifugal force (my blogs) – in life and in nature – is causing people to move from the center to the fringes. The pace of Change has accelerated since the Technological Revolution of 1800-2100 (my blogs, Business Insider video). Hence, arrogance and ignorance must also be accelerating.

This accelerationism (my blogs) may be another indication that homo sapiens sapiens is already showing signs of economic obsolescence: “the loss of value resulting from external economic factors to an asset or group of assets”. In due time, we may face technical obsolescence

“Technical obsolescence usually occurs when a new product or technology supersedes the old one, and it is preferred to use the new technology instead.”

Arrogance and ignorance will prevent us from accepting our economical and technical obsolescence. Our increasing use of artificially intelligent robotics (my blogs) – especially at work – tells a different tale. We are too arrogant and ignorant – a.k.a. stupid – to realise that we are making our own species redundant.

Redundant (1998) by Green Day
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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