Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

The Left believes in control; the Right in conspiracies. Where’s the center?

Joe Biden might be the final person who can bridge Democrats and Republicans in USA. The center in Politics was once powerful but those days are gone. The fringes are taking over in parliamentary democracies. The movement from the center to the fringes is like a centrifugal force. The centrifuge in a washing machine is the best example to explain this scientific term.

I think, feel and believe that the pace of Change in societies is also causing a centrifugal force. People don’t like Change. So they will increasingly opt for parties that (cl)aim to restore “the good old days” (eg, Brexit, nationalism). 

It’s important to realise that Change has two main stages (ie, Equilibrium and Vacuum) and two main movement indicators (or phases) that give the direction of Change (ie, coupling and decoupling). 

The centrifugal force in Change is mainly visible during its movements (ie, from Equilibrium to Vacuum or from Vacuum to Equilibrium).

Hence, the centrifugal force accelerates during the decoupling phase, and finds its peak during a Vacuum. It slows down during the coupling phase, and comes to a rest during an Equilibrium. 

Essentially, we are in a Vacuum right now. In this stage, you will notice various trial balloons (eg, the Great Reset by the World Economic Forum). A trial balloon “is information sent out to the media in order to observe the reaction of an audience”. 

The direction of the forthcoming coupling phase may cause a new Great Divide between Ideology and Pragmatism (my blog of 21 December 2020). Perhaps, it’s too early to make this call as a Vacuum may last several years.

A new center in Politics will emerge once the coupling phase becomes clear. Few want to miss the new center of Power. Everyone will welcome the new kid in town, even when his name is Joe Biden.

New Kid in Town (1976) by the Eagles
artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2, Wiki-3

There’s talk on the street; it sounds so familiar 
Great expectations, everybody’s watching you 
People you meet, they all seem to know you 
Even your old friends treat you like you’re something new

Note: all markings (bolditalic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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