Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

The complexity bias (12): Why

The complexity bias is a phenomenon that Change (eg, in life, nature and probably the Universe) has a tendency to increase rather than reduce complexity. This is counterintuitive. Simplicity should have a higher chance of surviving Change (eg, bacteria, viruses). Complexity should have less chance in Evolution. Yet, complexity seems to be the guiding principle. Why?

Probably, the most complex topic is quantum mechanics, “a fundamental theory in physics” (Wiki). The essence of it appears to be twofold: (1) everything is connected (eg, like a universal clockwork) and (2) the existence of a universal mind (eg, “no data can ever be lost”, no-hiding theorem). Both relate to panpsychism, “one of the oldest philosophical theories” (Wiki).

If the above sounds vaguely familiar to you then you’re right. Essentially, religions use the same scientific concept: a universal mind equals a Supreme Being (eg, Allah, God, Yahweh). Our soul is the linking pin between the (divine) universal mind and our (earthly) consciousness. It’s fascinating (to me) how much the concepts of Religion and Science are intertwined.

Over the years, I’ve written about interconnectedness (my blogs) and panpsychism (my blogs). Yet, it never occurred to me that these topics might be an explanation for the complexity bias (my blogs). A recent NRC Future Affairs newsletter made me realise their connection. 

Our human knowledge is rather limited compared to the duration of our existence (ie, thousands versus millions of years). A lot of knowledge has been lost due to the post-glacial sea level rise (c. 19000 BC – 5000 BC). All global cultures refer to this as The Great Flood (my 2016 blog, Wiki). Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant, predicted that we will once find a Hall of Records

Closing the gap between local knowledge and the universal mind might be the driving (pull) force behind the complexity bias. Please see my blogs on the pull and push force (in magnetism).

The above still leaves the Why question. A universal mind would probably leave a blueprint at quantum level. Hence, anything knows how to organise itself, given a chance (eg, life, rocks, sand, water). In that view, the complexity bias is about executing the quantum blueprint. That’s why.

That’s Why God Made the Radio (2012) by The Beach Boys

artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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