Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Covid-19 risk matrix

8 October 2020


Recently, I finally noticed a confirmation of my long-time suspicion on the cause of developing a sickness from the coronavirus: the virus load (Axios Science). The virus load represents the space-time dimension in nature and life: the amount (or: load) of virus entering your system following a concentration of the virus at a certain location, as well as the duration of your exposure to the virus at that location. The other main criterion is your body’s immune system

Both criteria can be used for developing a Covid-19 risk matrix (see right). Each risk criterion has two basic values. The result gives four possible risk assessments.

Some examples

(1) Hospitals and nursery homes: combination of long duration (ie, stay), high concentration (eg, people), and generally weak immune systems gives a very high risk.

(2) In-house stay following lockdown and/or family life: long duration, medium to high concentration (eg, people, ventilation), and average immune systems gives a medium to high risk

(3) Church visits: combination of medium duration (eg, 1-2 hours), high concentration (ie, people, singing, ventilation), and average immune systems gives a medium risk.

(4) Supermarket visit: short duration (c. 10 minutes), medium concentration (eg, airco), average immune systems gives a low risk. People working in supermarkets have a somewhat higher risk.

(5) Open-air activities like concerts or demonstrations: medium duration (eg, 2 hours), low concentration (eg, wind), strong immune systems (ie, young people) gives a low risk.

(6) In-house stay by single households: long duration, low concentration, and average immune systems gives a low risk.

In my view, the above risk assessments are in line with actual Covid-19 risks. My observation should be viewed as backtesting rather than anything else.

Virus (How About Now) – 2014 – by Martin Garrix & MOTi

artist-1, artist-2, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2, Wiki-3

Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.




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