Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Fooled by absolute numbers

This week, I noticed a Sydney Morning Herald article with the title: “Australia’s death rate ‘extremely low’ despite recent surge”. Finally, eyes are opening to Covid-19 reality: the virus may be (very) infectious but its death rate is extremely low. See my diagram below for details.

Lately, I noticed various articles wondering why the high number of infected people does not result in an increased number of intensive care beds. Apparently, it does not even cross these journalists’ minds that testing positive equals an activated immune system. Only when our immune system is insufficient, we may end up in hospital.

Hence, my diagram below shows a relatively low (and/but artificially highCase Fatality Rate: the proportion of deaths compared to total number infected. More testing results in a lower CFR. If we test the entire population then we would get the death, fatality or mortality rate. The corona death rate is an extremely low fraction of the entire population: between 0.05% and 0.1%.

Hence, at least 99% of all people will stay alive despite Covid-19. See my diagram for details. I did not use 99.9% as Dutch virologist Marion Koopmans uses a minimum corona fatality rate of 0.1% and a maximum of 1% (Dutch Financial Times).

Nevertheless, so called “journalists” report daily (high) absolute numbers of infected people and are almost suggesting that these people are about to suffer a dire fate.

It’s hard to explain this blatant ignorance. Some claim Covid-19 is a hoax (it’s real). Some claim it’s a left-liberal conspiracy for changing the world order (seriously??).

I think, feel and believe it’s an example of Albert Einstein‘s famous alleged statement: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

Probably, fear (of dying) is freezing people’s minds and makes them stop thinking (ie, the fight, flight, freeze response).

Sweden is the only (known) government that did not follow the WHO guidelines. It suffered 5,766 deaths on a population of 10,343,403, a.k.a. a death rate of 0.0557%. Hence, at least 99.94% of the Swedes are still alive.

Nevertheless, “journalists” worldwide are still smearing the approach taken by Sweden. More and more, the media are part of the (ignorance) problem in our societies.



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