Today’s society is characterized by dualism (eg, bipartisanship, knowledge vs power, Us vs Them). China is already migrating to monism. The concept of trialism is mostly forgotten and is represented by my concept of Love, Knowledge & Power (my blogs). Trialism is giving me a new perspective to several subjects that were once on my list of topics (eg, giving vs taking).
From a dualism perspective, giving vs taking appears simple; perhaps even too simple.
In a dualistic world, the various shades of grey/gray are missing. Dualism provides an oversimplified perspective. There is no “yes, but” or “no, unless”.
Giving versus taking in trialism is about: altruism (only giving), reciprocity (giving and taking), and greed (only taking).
Altruism is rooted in Love, Reciprocity is rooted in Knowledge, and Greed is rooted in Power.
A recent Reuters article stated that Germany wants the EU to have more reciprocity in its dealings with China.
Actually, this is a pushback from Chinese monism towards (European) dualism. It just hit me that monism in China and in Donald Trump’s USA aren’t much different in nature.
With the knowledge of hindsight, the above also explains my perceived paradigm shift in power in the 2019 update of the 7 Belief systems. In my 12 July 2018 blog, I noted that the Power dimension is getting stronger than the Knowledge dimension. The proverb “Knowledge equals Power” (a.k.a. dualism) belongs to the past (eg, Imam Ali, Francis Bacon, Michel Foucault).
Today, I realise that my 2018 observation is marking a (global) shift from dualism (Knowledge) towards monism (Power). In this narrow context, China is leading the way.
You Can Feel It (2015) by Young Gun Silver Fox
artist-1, artist-2, Facebook, lyrics, video, Wiki
It’s coming around again
Change is in the air
It doesn’t always need a name
You don’t have to see it to know it’s there
But you can feel it
You can feel it
Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.