Yesterday’s blog (Decoupling: Doubt – Fear – Hope – Love) caused a slight “What if” sensation. My diagram might represent much more: what if the meta cycle of Equilibrium-Decoupling-Vacuum-Coupling, and the micro cycle of Doubt-Fear-Hope-Love would represent the macro cycle of human behaviour in global societies?
Decoupling is surrounded by human doubts and fears resulting in a chaotic Vacuum (eg, loneliness, unanchored or drifting societies).
Similarly, Coupling is governed by hope and love resulting in a new Equilibrium (eg, relationship, social contract in societies).
Hence, if you want to change society you must first raise doubts in human minds and then create fears (eg, climate change debate).
If fears are not genuine (eg, fake) and/or do not materialise over time then people will understand that their behavioural change was invalidated.
This is the point where hope will return (eg, a better world, a relationship boost). In general, humans love stability (eg, equilibrium) and dislike change (eg, chaos, vacuum).
Moreover, the space-time dimensions of Hope & Love versus Doubt & Fear are opposite:
- Doubt and Fear are specific and restricted in time and/or space;
- Hope and Love are neither specific nor restricted in time and/or space.
Hence, these space-time dimensions appear to be responsible for the relatively short duration of Decoupling and/or Vacuum, and a relatively long duration of Coupling and/or Equilibrium. Hence, these cycles are not a circle or a sphere but more like a ellipsoid or a (geometric) stadium. To some extent, these cycles might even mirror the shape of the Universe.
“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” A quote by Plato (428/427 or 424/423 BC – 348/347 BC), a Greek philosopher. Also see Note 2 below.
Human Nature (1982) by Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2
Note 1: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise.
Note 2: I just realise that Plato’s quote above is (quite) similar to trialism (my blogs), and my concept of Love (emotion), Knowledge and Power (desire), which should not and does not come as a surprise. Also see my blogs on Love, Knowledge and Power.