Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Arrogance, empathy and hypocrisy (2)

About a week ago, the NYT Morning Briefing stated: “Senator Bernie Sanders, [] acknowledged that he had joined the ranks of millionaires he has denounced for years.” Last Tuesday, a Washington Post Politics Alert stated: “Sanders, who has made income inequality a hallmark of his presidential campaign, [], putting them in one of the nation’s highest income brackets []”.

Monday evening 15 April 2019, the Notre-Dame de Paris caught fire. While listening to Dutch Radio, it struck me that radio DJ’s, and incoming calls from listeners, couldn’t stop talking about how sorry they were about the fate of that ancient cathedral, including its art collection. I can’t believe that these people visit churches, other than as a tourist.

Late March 2019, Dutch aid organizations expressed their surprise about the lack of interest for donating money for African disaster relief following the intense tropical cyclone Idai, “one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere” (Wiki). They blamed the Utrecht terrorist attack and the Senate elections (Giro555).

The above are just three random and recent examples related to (a lack of) empathy, which results in arrogance and/or hypocrisy

Empathy, including a lack of it, has a clear link with the 7 Belief systems, being Love, Money, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, and the Truth. Empathy requires having an opinion, and thus a belief (my 2016 blog). You must care about something – either positively or negatively – in order to feel (a lack of) empathy. There is no (lack of) empathy without having beliefs.

In 2017, I concluded that only Love is a selfless belief, the other 6 beliefs are selfish (part 1, part 2). This explains the link with the Dark Sides of empathy, like arrogance and hypocrisy (eg, 2019 book, AmazonNPR, part 1). This also explains the fundamentals of the triangle Love-Knowledge-Power (my blogs). The 6 selfish beliefs are in the Knowledge and Power domains.

While reviewing quotes on hypocrisy, I noticed one (see below) that made me aware of another important link: the triangle of Deeds, Words and Intentions/Thoughts (my blogs) from Zoroastrianism (my blogs), “one of the world’s oldest religions that remains active”.

Genuine empathy requires synchronicity between your thoughts intentions, words and deeds. Else, we’re just talking about fake or false emotions (eg, hypocrisy).
“Your words mean nothing when your actions are the complete opposite”, a quote by Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), “an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books”.

My Prerogative (1988) by Bobby Brown

artist, Fb, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

I don’t need permission 

Make my own decisions

That’s my prerogative

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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