Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Love-Knowledge-Power (3): dualism vs trialism

A few days ago, I asked myself again why everything seems digital, like black/white, dark/light, left/right, men/women, and yes/no. Also see my 2017 blog: Why is Life digital? Our digital perception of Life might be accountable and/or responsible for a concept called dualism, like the Knowledge-Power equation and/or Yin and Yang.

Philosophy, including its derivative belief system Religion, does recognize a concept called trialism. Trialism is based on a human distinction between the body, the mind or spirit, and the soul. The most common example of trialism is Body-Mind-Soul, a philosophical concept.

Christian trialism is the doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit), based on a literal interpretation of 1 Thessalonians 5:23 []. This doctrine holds the soul to belong to the union of the body and the spirit, which makes it roughly compatible with philosophical trialism.” (WikiNote LObold and italic markings in quote by me.

According to Wikipedia, the concept of trialism was introduced by philosopher John Cottingham (b. 1943) in his 1985 paper Cartesian Trialism, as published by the Mind journal. The concept of trialism provided “an alternative interpretation of the mind–body dualism of René Descartes“.

My diagram to the left incorporates the 3 triangles which represent trialism, including the various kinds of dualism represented in the 3 horizontal axes of these 3 triangles.

It seems to me that dualism is an abbreviated version of trialism when we choose to decline or ignore the “supernatural aspects of Life (ie, love, soul).

Our choice to accept, decline or ignore trialism might be affected by gravity, a “natural phenomenon” and one of “the four fundamental forces of physics”.

In his 2006 song Gravity, singer-songwriter John Mayer applies gravity in a supernatural way – onto Love. It’s easy to visualize how a triangle becomes a flat line due to gravity, and how trialism became dualism.

Gravity (2006) by John Mayer

artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Gravity is working against me 

And gravity wants to bring me down

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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