Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

The complexity bias (4)

Over time, the Tree of Life clearly shows an increasing complexity in its many branches (see part 3 of my blog). Humans, its latest addition, have added a new layer of complexity through introducing technology: from ancient stone tools to machines to computers to robots with or without Artificial Intelligence.

The Technological Revolution of 1800-2100 shows 3 major waves: (1) Mechanization (1800-1900), (2) Automation (1900-2000), and (3) Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (2000-2100). The 1st wave includes the Industrial Revolution (1760-1820/40).

I think, feel and believe that the 3rd wave will result in Humanoid Sapiens, a hybrid between Homo Sapiens and Artificially Intelligent Robots. Humanoid Sapiens, a new species in Earth’s Tree of Life, will be the first species to leave this planet.

From a certain perspective, Planet Earth’s evolution has acted like a “breeding ground: a place or set of circumstances suitable for – or favorable to – growth and development. The latter words caught my interest as I’ve been searching for the universal principles of growth and development.

The principles of growth and development often refer to studies on humans (eg, Prezi, Scribd, SlideShare, Study). Based on human growth and development, 3 principles were deducted:

  1. The cephalocaudal principle: head to toe direction (a.k.a. top-down).
  2. The proximodistal principle: from center of the body (inward) to the peripheral (outward).
  3. The (Heinz Werner‘s) orthogenetic principle: from simple to complex.

Applying these 3 growth and development principles to the Universe gives the following:

  1. Cephalocaudal: formation of stars (eg, heat, light) before planets (eg, Phys-2018).
  2. Proximodistal: expansion of the universe (eg, Wiki).
  3. Orthogenetic: from “simple” Big-Bang to complex Universe.

Hence, it appears that the 3 human growth and development principles are also universal in nature. Considering their universal application, the complexity bias appears to be similar to the orthogenetic principle: from simple to complex.

It’s tempting to raise the Why question: Why is complexity a direction (and simplicity its means)? Answers may vary from: (i) because it can happen and thus will happen, (ii) convergent evolution points to a “blueprint” or “grand design” (eg, Aeon-2017Conversation-2018, my 2017 blogmy 2018 blog), (iii) complexity is the result of the chaos theory.

Complexity (2015) by EODM

artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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