Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

From misogyny to rape and back

The confirmation of a US Supreme Court judge is being delayed because of rape accusations. The 45th President stated that these accusations are a con game by Democrats. Trump admits, however, that his defense of this judge is related to many similar accusations at him (CNN). At the same time, a 1980s TV hero was sentenced to 3-10 years in prison for similar accusations.

The above reminded me of the 2005 recording of Donald “Grab them by the Pussy” Trump (eg, Guardian-2016, video). Then I wondered if there is a link between hatred of women or misogyny (my 2015 blog), and sexual assault (eg, rape). This link can be found in a 1998 book by Diane Russell, a 2012 study, a 2013 Big Think article, a 2018 Quantara article and many other reports.

One could argue that the past behaviour of this judge is irrelevant today. In general, I have some sympathy for such a view because (some) people can indeed change. Even the judge seems to argue this: “‘What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep. That’s been a good thing for all of us, I think.” (USA Today)

Misogyny is, however, an example of a philosophical belief systemWiki: “Misogyny functions as an ideology or belief system that has accompanied patriarchal, or male-dominated societies for thousands of years and continues to place women in subordinate positions with limited access to power and decision making”. Note: italic markings in quote by LO.

Usually, a person’s beliefs do not change over time. It takes immense pressure and even a crisis (eg, burnout) to change your beliefs. In 2007, a writer called this as a “crisis of faith” (NYMag). A change of beliefs would imply stage 5 in the model on processing grief by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: Acceptance. Clearly, the people in my 1st paragraph are all in stage 1: Denial.

Obviously, the above is not evidence or proof that they did – or did not – do the things they are/were accused of. The above does show there is a cycle: From misogyny to rape and back. In this cycle, (i) misogyny results in sexual assault, and (ii) sexual assault originates in misogyny. This cycle indeed appears relevant to the persons in the 1st paragraph above.

It’s important to realise that rape of women by men is not society’s default. Hence, misogyny is also not society’s default. Even in USA, a society with high inequality, a woman has a 75% chance of not being raped. In societies with less inequality, this chance is higher (the Hathor Legacy). Dutch statistics indeed show a higher chance of not being raped (NU-2018).

Trump’s misogynistic views, his pending sexual assault accusations (eg, Guardian, Independent), and his strong defense of his Supreme Court candidate, predict nothing good. It feels as if Trump is orchestrating his personal legal fate in the various accusations against him (NYMag, July ’18).

It Takes a Lot to Know a Man (2014) by Damien Rice

artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

It takes a lot to know a man

It takes a lot to understand

The warrior, the sage

The little boy in rage

It takes a lot to know a woman

A lot to understand what’s humming

The honey-bee, the stings

The little girl with wings

It takes a lot to give

To ask for help

To be yourself

To know and love what you live with

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise 




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