Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Big Tech

Big Tech is a popular subject for many media. Its common nickname is an abbreviation of its main players that change over time, reflecting their decreasing and increasing importance (eg, FAAMG, FAMGA, FANG). Currently, it’s FAANG: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google. My diagram below outlines these 5 players in green.

The colour yellow reflects our 4 most valuable items: goods, information, money, and time.

This yellow classification is derived from auditing because these 4 items can be stolen and thus require safeguarding.

It’s ironic that Big Tech’s hoarding of data & information is possible because people do not realise “their” value and thus lack safeguards.

This situation caused several scandals (eg, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google).

My diagram shows that some of these 5 players are extremely intertwined in our daily lives. These players seem to know almost everything about us. Hence, their other nickname: Frightful Five (eg, NRCNYT).

The middle of my diagram shows the core business model of Big Tech: hoarding of data in order to sell information. Relevant technology terms in this process are Big Datadata mining and data profiling.

China’s 2020 Social Credit System has a top-down approach towards Big Tech and its data hoarding, which is regulated by its government. Essentially, Europe and USA follow a bottom-up approach towards Big Tech and its data hoarding, which is not regulated by any government.

This is the main reason why my July 2018 blog “Paradigm shifts in the 7 Belief systems” assumes a fading out of Politics as a Belief system. Data/Information, Money, and Technology will constitute the future Power domain of the 7 Belief systems. The Frightful Five is not a dream.

Dream within a Dream (1985) by Propaganda

artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2, Wiki-3 (original poem)

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise



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