Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

The truth about the Truth

In the 1980s, Dutch magazine Elsevier had a marketing slogan: If the truth is in the middle then the Left should read the Right, and the Right should read the Left. This slogan contains a lot of truth and I still stick to it. Unfortunately, most people only read and watch the media that support their own opinion (GPF).

In my concept of the (current) 7 Belief systems, the Truth is part of its Knowledge domain, together with Philosophy and Science. In the Power domain, we find Money, Politics and Religion. To a large extent, the Knowledge = Power notion is mirrored by the Left-Right division. In general, media (ie, Knowledge) are Left, while business and money (ie, Power) are Right.

From a historical perspective, trading in goods has been most important. Trading in money (a.k.a. banking) dates back to “around 2000 BC in Assyria and Babylonia“. Trading in time became popular since the end of the 19th century: (managementconsultancy services. Since the 21st century, trading in data & information is the new company business model of Big Tech and others.

My blogs of 11 July and 19 July blog explain why Data & Information (ie, future Power domain) will be the successor of the Truth (ie, current Knowledge domain) in my concept of the 7 Belief systems. The connection between Data & Information, Power, Technology, and the Truth is already visible in China’s Social Credit System (my blogs of 2017 and 2018).

This shift from the Truth (Knowledge) to Data & Information (Power) is mirrored by changes in media. The surge in right-wing US media (eg, Breitbart, Fox) was society’s response to a left-wing domination of Knowledge. This left-wing domination of Knowledge was also responsible for – what I call – the arrogance of the Left and the ignorance of the Right (my 2017 blog).

One of the (left-wing) people who writes about the arrogance of the Left (and the ignorance of the Right) is Alice DregerGuardian-2018, NYT-2015, CHE-2018, PT-2018Volkskrant-2017. She is not very popular which may explain the title of her 2015 book: Galileo’s Middle Finger.

I’m not sure if the Truth even exists, apart from – perhaps – mathematics. The truth is always someone’s perception about reality. By definition our perception is incomplete and thus possibly also incorrect. Changing your opinions following new information – a.k.a. applying progressive insight – is a sign of strength while stubbornness is one of weakness.

The shift from the Truth (Knowledge) to Data & Information (Power) follows some interesting quotes: “Whoever controls the media controls the mind” (a Jim Morrison quote), [] the minds of the public (a Noam Chomsky quote), [] the world (quote), or controls the Power domain of the future 7 Belief systems (my recent blog).

The Eyes of Truth (1994) by Enigma – artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bolditalicunderlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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