Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Waves (4): Nationalism and Internationalism

It makes sense that left-wing and right-wing Italian nationalism will establish the new Italian government. Nationalism versus Internationalism (or: Globalism) is the 21st century new Great Divide and the successor of the Left-Right Divide of the previous 2 centuries. The arrogance of Internationalism (eg, immigration, refugees) has created a surge in ignorant Nationalism (eg, Brexit). Also see my blogs of 13 July 2016, 2 March 2017, and 4 March 2017.

It’s probably no coincidence that Nationalism thrives on the borders of the European Union: Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and UK. The problems created by Internationalism (eg, immigration, refugees) are felt less in central EU countries (eg, Dublin Regulation). Blaming the peripheral EU countries for their surge in Nationalism feels like reverse psychology.

However, ignorant Nationalism does not offer any solutions; just slogans (eg, own citizens “first”). Nationalism would be a serious threat when it would propose workable solutions. Arrogant Internationalism knows this well and continues with its agenda of (eastbound) expansion. Also see my 2017 blog on Project Europe.

The irony is that the main threat to Internationalism comes from within: the American Trump Administration. American nationalism and protectionism will be countered by a European tit for tat. Internationalism is losing due to the USA, once the main advocate of free trade. The irony of this will not be lost on Nationalism.

There’s more irony to follow. Nationalism will cause a global decrease in wealth, whereas Globalism caused an increase in international wealth. History has shown a relationship between poverty and Nationalism. Brexit is already showing a decrease in wealth (eg, UK real estate).

There’s still more irony to come. Nationalism is rooted in the fear over losing cultural identity (my 2017 blog). That identity may include a glorious past of regional empires (eg, China, Russia, Turkey). Nationalism likes restoring that glorious past. However, such a restoration implies a geographical expansion, somewhat similar to Internationalism. 

The main difference between Internationalism and Nationalism is that latter often implies involuntary and/or unilateral geographic expansion, which easily results into military conflicts. The ongoing Chinese militarisation of some of the (uninhabited) South China Sea islands has already resulted in an international (diplomatic) conflict (eg, CNNQuartz, Quartz-2UPI).

Last but not least, the irony is that Nationalism and Internationalism are like Waves – or cycles in history. Hence, the saying “history repeats itself” (my 2018 blog on Waves). The main drivers of these historical waves appear to be human arrogance and ignorance (my 2016 blog).

These waves trigger the Why question. I see two (broad) explanations. The existence of waves allows humans to learn from its predictability and to migrate to the 4th stage following (human) Needs, Wants & Beliefs: an Awakening. This Awakening has, however, never happened in human history. In the absence of an Awakening, these waves may contain humanity (eg, mass extinction, pandemics, war) in order to preserve Nature’s ecology. 

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) – 1971 – Marvin Gaye

artist, blog, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2

Note: all markings (bold, italic, underlining) by LO unless stated otherwise




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