Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Ants vs Humans

22 February 2017


When an outsider would observe this planet then a first indication would be that it must be inferior as the observer remains unnoticed. A closer approach would reveal lots of vast concentrations of structures displaying artificial light (eg, cities). It would reveal busy and sometimes chaotic creatures using tools (eg, cars). Many of these creatures carry out some kind of tasks (eg, jobs). Others seem idle (eg, infants, elderly). The observers have a hard time establishing the purpose of that society.

At a closer range, these creatures breed in small communities (eg, families), prefer certain other creatures (eg, relationships), and communicate (eg, language). Some of their communication involves irrational behaviour (ie, emotions). The observers would conclude that the planet is inhabited by a society of intelligent though irrational species. The observer’s verdict: inferior.

Colonizing this inferior planet would however not be a first option as the irrational behaviour of these creatures includes their ample use of weapons and resistance towards any invaders. These creatures might appear physically unprotected and weak but they are also inherently hostile, flock together when attacked, and would be considered “armed and dangerous”.

These thoughts emerge after reading about articles that compare ants and humans. They focus on: ants’ collective intelligence, ant consciousness, ant consciousness #2, ant intelligence, ant intelligence #2, comparison of ants and humans, complex biological social systems, complex biological social systems (NL), Growth and Stagnation – Similarities Between Ant and Man, similarity and difference between ant and human ultrasocieties, TED talk 2003, and tool use by ants.

The purpose of our society can only be explained through the 7 Belief systems and its 2 main domains: Knowledge (Philosophy, Science, and the Truth) and Power (ie, Money, Politics, Religion). Love is an independent belief/domain/purpose. These 7 Belief systems – or purposes – drive all humans and separate us from anything else.

In the middle of these 7 Belief systems lies Wisdom. BBC Future 2017: “Wisdom is something that’s hard to define and yet somehow we know it when we see it.” [] “Wisdom mustn’t be confused with intelligence” (eg, my 2016 blog). [] “The wise people tolerate uncertainty and remain optimistic that even tricky problems do have solutions. They can judge what is true or right. It’s quite a list.”

I think, feel and believe that the road to Wisdom is based on balance and symmetry along the 7 Belief systems. Only “equal” attention to all seven beliefs (purposes), keeps you somewhere in the middle. The path to Wisdom is deserted once 1 (or more) of the 7 Belief systems gets stronger than the 6 others. Fear is a manipulator of the 7 Belief systems and thus a distraction from Wisdom.

BBC: “For Cornell University psychologist Robert Sternberg, wisdom is all about balance. A wise person is able to complete a mental juggling act – to balance the short-term with the long-term, self-interest with the interests of others, while considering all the options – adapting to the current situation, trying to shape it or looking for a new situation.”

Human (2016) by Rag’n’Bone Man – artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2




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