The use of reverse psychology and projection in politics is well illustrated by Donald Trump. Often when The Donald says something unbelievable about other people, his words regard himself (eg, actions, behaviour, character). For other people such statements represent outrageous lies (PolitiFact) but he believes in what he says. This mismatch obviously suggests that Donald Trump suffers from psychological problems (eg, my blogs of 28 May and 18 July 2016).
While Donald Trump’s use of reverse psychology is easily detected, Theresa May seems to use a sophisticated – Machiavellian – way of reverse psychology to get what she wants: a B-return.
In 1513, Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli wrote his most renowned work The Prince. A world famous proverb from that book is that “the end justifies the means“. This proverb implies that “morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes; actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality of the outcome” (Wiki).
Theresa May used to be against Brexit and now pushes Great Britain towards a “hard exit”. That only makes sense if she aims for the opposite of what she claims. Hence, a Machiavellian way of applying reverse psychology. Let me elaborate on this thought, feeling and belief.
Firstly, the outcome of the Brexit referendum cannot be ignored: Leave won by 52% to 48%. The referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting (BBC).
Secondly, a second Brexit referendum would only open the door to a 3rd and 4th referendum as people are unlikely to accept whatever outcome of such a referendum.
Thirdly, the EU has no other option than to push for a hard Brexit – or no Brexit – in order to penalise the British decision for listening to extreme nationalists like Nigel Farage (UK). Going soft on the Brits would open the doors for other European extremists like Geert Wilders (NL), Robert Fico (Sk), Norbert Hofer (AT), Viktor Orban (HU), Marine Le Pen (FR), and Milos Zeman (CZ).
Fourth, while Brexiteer promises (eg, NHS) were swiftly retracted, the doom scenarios of the opposite camp have still not transpired. The dramatic fall of Pound Sterling (eg, FT) will only delay these doom scenarios as export will thrive, local production will flourish, and foreigners will buy cheap assets. Import related prices will go up (eg, Marmite) but will not create doom. British voters will only believe that Brexit was a wrong decision once they realise that promises were false and doom scenarios were true.
Fifth, Brexit opposition is finally mounting: in the City, in court, in parliament, and also in UK territories (eg, Gibraltar, Scotland). Their combined force should be enough to stop Theresa May from leaving the EU. Obviously, some 50% of British voters will feel betrayed but at least not by Theresa May.
Theresa May is playing dangerous Machiavellian mind games to keep the UK inside the European Union. I doubt she will personally survive after winning her game as it’s unlikely that she can admit this anytime before her memoirs. People may only remember her for pushing a hard Brexit. I think, feel and believe she wouldn’t mind as her end(ing) justified her means.
Frank Sinatra – M(a)y Way (1967) – artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this, I did it m(a)y way