Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


I realise that I’ve made a mistake in my 11 June 2015 blog on the perfect universe vs the multiverse. My 28 August 2015 blog did mention Viking cosmology in relation to the Multiverse but still the penny didn’t drop. Today it finally did. The Multiverse idea in Science (and Science Fiction) is similar to the Multiverse concept in cosmology (eg, Viking) and in several world religions (Wiki). The Multiverse is just another example where Religion and Science meet.

The Multiverse concept might be compared to a Swiss cheese. The many bubbles in a Swiss cheese are universes. Somehow I would not be surprised if black holes are like the arteries in a Swiss cheese, connecting universes into a multiverse. The analogy with a Swiss cheese is interesting in another way. While we perceive “matter” as being visible to the human eye, most “matter” is invisible to the human eye (ie, 99% is interstellar gas). A Multiverse is something like a reverse Swiss cheese. Try to picture that. It’s beyond our imagination.

In my 2 September 2015 blog, I mentioned that the “void” in front of our eyes – which we call the “air” – represents some 95% of the space in which we live. The “void” in the universe is roughly the same (99%). When the sunlight hits the air (“void”) behind a glass window, we can notice the many dust particles swirling through the air. These are only the particles big enough for our eyesight. What initially looked like an “empty void” suddenly becomes “polluted” air.

The “empty” universe is filled with star dust which is not visible to the human eye, let alone our telescopes. Each day our planet gains stardust and loses earth’s dust. Calculations vary a lot (100-300 metric tons daily) and are based upon polar ice examinations. Remarkably, the chemical composition of our bodies is related to the chemical composition of the universe: see my 2 January 2016 blog.

The 8 forces of Natureof our planet might be unique to our planet: Darkness, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, Lightning, Water, and Wind. The 4 fundamental forces of nature could be unique to our universe: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. Perhaps even our concept of Time & Space is unique to this Universe. Other universes might be well beyond our imagination.

There’s a famous expression: Seeing is believing (1639, Wiki). I must assume that this saying is ultimately behind all of the 7 Belief systems. The prophets Jesus and Mohammed are both historical persons as they are mentioned in independent books that survived human history. Without having seen both men, a religious belief system, like Christianity or Islam, would probably not even have existed.

We may never see the existence of a Multiverse. It may remain a scientific hypothesis and part of a religious belief system. Does it really matter? It might be quite comforting to know that an afterlife in a parallel universe could be part of a scientific multiverse. Both are unlikely to be proven (ie, seen) within a 1,000 years – or ever. A belief or a hypothesis is better than a “void” in our minds.

Initially, I wasn’t thrilled by the Multiverse hypothesis as I assumed it was just another scientific argument to deny religion. Remarkably, it’s the exact opposite. I’m just fascinated how belief systems align. Interconnectedness might be the greatest mystery of Life, Nature, Universe and Multiverse.

Bruce Springsteen – Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978) – artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2




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