This weekend I read a Dutch newspaper article about the added value of religion to society. Mark van Vugt, professor in evolutionary psychology and organisational psychology, argues that a punishing God is helpful for aligning less complex societies. In more complex societies, governments fulfil a similar role. The unveiled criticism towards any religion is common nowadays. It may become safer hiding your (Christian, Jewish or Muslim) religion.
Such criticism makes me wonder how societies would even look like without religion.
My 27 August 2016 blog about the 10 Commandments might be a good start. All main 3 Abrahamic religions (ie, Judaism, Christianity and Islam) aim to provide humanity with a moral compass. This moral compass is geared to steer humanity away from temptation. Love – for others and not self love – is the essence of any religion. Others would include God, your parents, romantic partner, neighbours and even strangers.
In the absence of Religion, a separation between Religion and State is no longer required. The eternal Power balance between Religion vs State thus shifts towards Money vs State. It’s however quite likely that Money and Politics will find a profitable merger. Hence, I expect that companies will govern future cities and ultimately global City States.
The question how societies would look like without religion gets really interesting now. These societies would aim at self love, maximising individual pleasure (ie, entertainment) by advertising temptation, and promote fear for others in order to divide and rule. Ethics and morality would only be included in the governing company’s charter when it would increase profitability.
Population control will be important. Children would decrease profitability (prosperity) because the same pie has more eaters. Furthermore, robotics have taken away the need for human jobs. The absence of jobs and the absence of moral values (eg, care for others) is likely to create a human society based on the survival of the strongest (fittest). Hence, stealing, murder and adultery will be entirely normal.
In the absence of Religion, a merger between Money and Politics is an extremely powerful merger because this merger is very likely to absorb Philosophy, Science and the Truth. It’s a merger along the lines of “money talks, reason walks”.
What about Love? Love (for others) is the eternal exception in the struggle between the Knowledge and Power domain. Love is blind and does not take sides. Love is not a fighter, except for love itself. Love will never die. Without love humanity will literally die.
Scientists have never found a human society on this planet without evidence of religion. That fact still does not result in the obvious. Instead human societies are now increasingly labelled as ignorant for believing in religion. There is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe!”
Bon Jovi – Keep the Faith (1992) – artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2