Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Entertainment, Fear and Religion

30 August 2016


While editing yesterday’s blog about how societies would look like without religion, I introduced a link to entertainment: “These societies would aim at self love, maximising individual pleasure (ie, entertainment) by advertising temptation, and promote fear for others in order to divide and rule.”

Entertainment was also mentioned in my 2 August 2016 blog on the Age of Pisces and Aquarius. Wiki: “The water-bearer may symbolize widespread transparent, peaceful, neighborly, and sustainable living. Furthermore, they see the appearance of dictators, self-expression, and the rising influence of the entertainment industry are linked to the Aquarian Age by its opposite sign Leo.”

There is a link between the demise of religion, the transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius, the rising influence of the entertainment industry and the “appearance of dictators” in the astrological Age of Aquarius (Wiki). That link is Fear. Fear is a key ingredient in entertainment (eg, action, crime, horror, Sci-Fi, thriller) and the rise of dictators thrives on Fear. 

The quote in the left picture by Zen monk and teacher Shunryu Suzuki may well be the link between the rise of entertainment and the demise of religion. Entertainment is probably the best way to occupy people’s minds in the absence of religion.

The Roman poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100) once wrote in his Satire X poem that the people “anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses“.

Wiki: “Roman politicians passed laws in 140 B.C. to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, “bread and circuses”, became the most effective way to rise to power.” Note: italic markings are mine.

The demise of Christian religion has already started decades ago. Islam may not survive the schism between Shia and Sunni and the relentless global terrorism from radical Islam. It’s rather easy for Politics to blame all religions (ie, Religion) for anything that is wrong in today’s society. Once the opportunity is there, people will often use it.

The Power domain has three belief systems: Money, Politics and Religion. Money finances both sides and will thus always be on the winning team’s side. For thousands of years, Religion and State were each other’s checks and balances. If Politics were able to ban its main competitor – Religion – it would be an immense game changer. 

Human beings will never be able to successfully compete with Allah/God/Yahweh, Nature, and/or the Universe. The mere idea is preposterous. It’s a human fantasy.

The Power (Forces) of Nature and/or the Universe is far beyond the Power domain of the 7 Belief systems.

Earth, Wind & Fire – Fantasy (1978) – artists, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2




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