Last Monday, my son (18) informed me about an exciting discovery made by a Canadian teenager of 15, William Gadoury (eg, Montreal Journal, News, Wiki). He located an unknown Mayan city. At least since Graham Hancock‘s 1995 bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods, it was widely known that Egyptian and Mayan structures have close relationships with astronomical positions of stars.
The Canadian boy did the exact opposite of anyone before him: by using a star map he realised that a 118th Mayan city must be missing. Satellite images confirmed his theory. One of the 5 largest Mayan cities will soon be visited. Apparently, this city was not even part of legends or myths but soon will be part of human history again (my 21 April 2016 blog).
Even in 2016, we still don’t know the exact commencement date of the astrological Age of Aquarius. Nevertheless, the Maya civilisation (ca 2,000 BC – ca 1,700 AD) was able to build more than 100 cities according to exact astronomical positions. Hopefully, this new remote jungle city will contain information that the Spanish invaders (1511-1697) previously overlooked and failed to destroy.
While I generally dislike conspiracy theories, I have a strange feeling about the destruction of the Mayan culture by the Spanish conquistadores. I would not be surprised that the (then) Roman Catholic Church ordered this destruction as the Mayan culture did not fit in the new Christian view on the origins of humanity. Little has changed since.
Essentially, most scientists still believe that there was no advanced human culture before 3,000 BC. The Great Flood of 11,000 BC to 4,000 BC is the main reason for that belief. That flood washed away, destroyed, or buried (under water) lots of evidence.
Unfortunately, the ongoing discussions on the (carbon) dating of – let’s say – the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx fail to reach a conclusion. Indeed it’s very hard to change your (scientific) belief. Also see my 7 May 2016 blog on Love vs Religion.
Perhaps finding evidence about a more advanced human culture than ours, would finally teach us some humility. The arrogance and ignorance in today’s society is mindblowing. Also see my 12 April 2016 blog on that topic. As Don Henley once sang in the superb song “The heart of the Matter”: “The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I’m learning again.” (artist, lyrics, video, Wiki).
The well-known Dutch primatologist and ethologist Professor Frans de Waal recently published his newest book: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? I had to smile about the title of this book after reading about the recent scientific discovery that dolphins talk to each other while performing a joint task (eg, Guardian 20 April 2016).
Thomas Dolby – She blinded me with Science (1982) – artist, lyrics, video, Wiki-1, Wiki-2
Final Note:
For earlier parts in this series, please see known unknowns (1) and climate change (2).
Also see part 1, part 2 and part 3 of my blogs on the “Not Invented Here” (scientific) syndrome.
Lastly, I also recommend reading my blog on History, legends and myths.