Actually, there is a little bit of a problem with several scientific mysteries. At the very least, their ageing is disputed amongst scientists. I have been wondering, why especially ageing is severely debated. I think it ultimately comes down to a simple issue: the “not invented here” syndrome.
Wikipedia: “Not Invented Here (NIH) is the philosophical principle of not using third party solutions to a problem because of their external origins. False pride often drives an enterprise to use less-than perfect invention in order to save face by ignoring, boycotting, or otherwise refusing to use or incorporate obviously superior solutions by others”. It’s not only in business, it’s also in science.
In other words: there’s no record of advanced civilisations before 4,000 BC. Hence, the dating of any scientific mystery must be after 4,000 BC. And all contradicting evidence must be erroneous.
One of the best examples in this respect is the ageing and purpose of pyramids. LearningMind: “Nobody knows the real purpose for the construction of pyramids. They were not only built in Egypt, as most people might think, but they can be found all over the world. Although experts say they were used as tombs, it is known that this was not their only intent”.
Pyramids are found in: Algeria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canary Islands, China, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mesopotamia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Samoa, Sardinia, Spain and Sudan. Some other – alleged – pyramids are severely debated: Australia, Bosnia.
Carbon dating is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope of carbon (Wiki). Dating pyramids is difficult as the organic material in its stones may date back millions of years. Smithsonian: “Limestone (eg, Great Sphinx of Giza) is the result of mud, coral and the shells of plankton-like creatures compressed together over tens of millions of years”. Carbon dating structures with wood is much simpler.
Ancient structures are often carbon-dated in an indirect way. In Indonesia they carbon-dated the cement in between stones. The result is a highly controversial and a staggering 9,000 to 20,000 years. “According to the results of our carbon tests, the ancient buildings on Mount Padang in West Java are at least 10,000 years old,” Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, a seismologist from the Indonesian Institute of Science (eg, Daily Mail, Facebook, Jakarta Post, Nature, SciDevNet, SydneyHerald, Wiki).
The main alleged and undisputed purpose of pyramids is religious (eg, tombs). Another alleged and undisputed purpose is astronomical (eg, LiveScience). Yet, we still do not understand this excessive focus on astronomy – or the origin of their highly advanced knowledge – although exact time keeping (eg, Maya calendar) appears to be a main part of that focus. And there are many other “less serious” theories about the purpose of pyramids (eg, beacons for aliens, grain storage, power stations).
The only thing that is missing is a “smoking gun“, a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive evidence. Discovering the Hall of Records – an Edgar Cayce prophecy – might constitute such conclusive evidence. According to Edgar Cayce, the 3 Atlantean Halls of Record were located in Egypt near the Sphinx, underwater in the Bimini area, and in the Yucatan area. As long as his prophecy isn’t a discovery, the mystery – and the “not invented here” syndrome – will continue.