Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

What’s your story?

Yesterday evening I was bored and decided to watch a new TV series on Netflix – Crossing Lines (IMDb). It’s not bad at all. While watching these fictional characters, it suddenly occurred to me that everyone has a “story”. Not just me. Everyone. Sometimes you think that only you have your “story”. And that the “others” are lucky for not having their “story”.

Large parts of my “story” have already been outlined in my daily blog. I have had a good life most of my life. The reversal of my fortune – some 7 years ago – came as a surprise and I was not prepared. Bad luck arrived and hit me in the face. Over and over again. I barely survived. The very moment I decided that I wanted to give up – on everything – then something wonderful happened. I still remember that (first) date. It was another reversal of my fortune and this time in a positive direction.

I still carry the “scars” of those years – also in the literal sense of the word. They are a reminder of my past and also a carry-forward into my future – as lessons learned. The real scar sometimes hurts at night when I lie on my back, or when the weather changes. I will never really be able to forget about them. Nor am I eager to forget about them as they constitute major lessons learned.

Conversations with close friends or random strangers may reveal their “stories”. The people in between these two categories are less likely to share their stories with you. Sometimes exchanging these personal stories even feels like a match for a “Bad Luck” trophy. Yet they never really compare. Each one of them is very, very different. The only “common” thing is that you feel “glad” that it wasn’t your story.

The true benefit in sharing your “story” with strangers – or friends – is that you will realise that you are not unique in your misery. I even think and feel that it is essential to share your “story” in order to being able to escape the victim role in which we often feel so comfortable. As a victim we feel that our misery is immense, unique and timeless. Talking about it learns how others have coped with their misery and how they migrated from victim to survivor. If others can do it then why wouldn’t you be able to do the same?

There may be valid reasons for not sharing your “story”. Possibly you are still in the midst of your personal story and (your) anger still has the upper hand. Perhaps you think it’s too personal. Latter can easily be resolved by talking to random strangers. People who are willing to just listen and not assume, criticise or question you. I suppose that was the role of priests in my parents’ day and age.

My “story” is still unfinished. There is no happy ending – yet. I am confident that the full reversal of my 7 years of bad luck will still happen. Seeing some progress now and then is good enough for me. I am sharing my story with others – and here – to show you that there is always Hope. Hope comes with Faith. And there is no hope – or faith – at the Dark Side of Life.

What does not kill me makes me stronger. Quote from a 1889 book by Friedrich Nietzsche

Ella Fitzgerald – What’s Your Story, Morning Glory? (1958) – artist, lyrics, Wiki-1, Wiki-2




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