Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

In pursuit of happiness – part 3

Subsequent to Wednesday’s blog, a friend said to me: “This is truly food for thought!! Waiting on the conclusion!!”. Actually, I wasn’t planning for a part 3 – or a conclusion. Her comment was valid though as to some extent it’s on my mind too. Is there a conclusion about the pursuit of happiness?? Yes, there might be. It’s all about finding the relevant ingredients for living a “full life” during the various phases of your life. So these ingredients will vary over time – both in quantity and quality.

Let’s use the example (see diagram below) from my 8 May 2015 blog on Success and Failure.

Most of the above phases represent a life of engagement (e.g., study, sports, career, family), yet to some extent they may also represent the pleasant life (e.g., sports). And in rare cases, a career may even represent a meaningful life. The combination of study, sport, career and family will represent a full life to many of us. It’s our own choice of ingredients that constitutes a full and happy life.

In accordance with the Law of diminishing marginal returns (Wiki), our satisfaction in life is not a constant: it will increase or decrease over time. Each additional stimulus has a diminishing marginal return to our overall satisfaction in life. Changing the quantity and quality of the ingredients over time will help to optimise our satisfaction. Picking the right moment is an illusion and there is no insider trading or front running.

Although my life satisfaction is very high right now, I do already feel that I need to consider to amend the quantity and quality of the ingredients as I will not be able to maintain this level over time. In essence, the pursuit is about finding the right ingredients. The mix – or recipe – of the ingredients brings happiness – or not. Changing the mix – both in time and over time – is the real challenge.

Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values. Ayn Rand. Also see my March 20 blog on her.

I also like the approach of Orhan Pamuk: “Happiness means being close to the one you love, that’s all. (Taking immediate possession is not necessary.)”. Quote from The Museum of Innocence.

“I once found the recipe, for what to do to cure my needs. I packed some things just what I need, only bare necessities. Asked Mrs. Walsh to feed my cat, call landlord Tate to tell him that I’m going home where my people live, I need a little bit of happiness, yeah”. Jonathan Jeremiah – Happiness

Jonathan Jeremiah – Happiness (2011) – artist, lyrics, AllMusic, Wiki




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