Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

7 Belief Systems – Under Pressure

22 October 2015


One of the most depressing movies that I have ever seen is Fallen (IMDb). Its cast is great though: Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland, James Gandolfini, etcetera. Yet it is the sheer lack of hope that makes this movie utterly depressing unlike that other movie Constantine (IMDb) which still offers hope. For some time, it feels as if we are a live participating audience in a real-time sequel of Fallen.

I have no appetite to repeat or even focus on the vast amount of negativity that is surrounding us. I think and feel that the heptagon (see left diagram) which – in my view – represents the 7 Belief systems (i.e., Love, Money, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, and the Truth) is becoming like a hot air balloon that may burst in case of too much pressure.

In my view, all current chaos is related to most – if not all – of these 7 Belief systems. Chaos represents disorder and also the search for a new Equilibrium. The mere fact that most sides of the heptagon are under pressure is genuinely worrisome – to say the least.

In my 24 August 2015 blog, I used a 1976 (!!) Stevie Wonder song: Love is in need of Love today (lyricsYouTube). The lack of Love and the increase of Hatred is clearly visible all over our planet. Only in human beings of course as we are our own worst enemy.

At times, I wonder about the solution. In my other 24 August 2015 blog, called “Après nous le déluge!”, I mentioned that we do have an – albeit individual – option: Pay it Forward (IMDb). In essence, that concept is as simple as “be good and do good” or “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.” (Confucius, Golden Rule a.k.a. Ethic of Reciprocity)

On a global scale, I only see one solution that is able to remove adequate global pressure: a reconciliation between Judaism, and its first derivative Christianity, and its second derivative Islam. This idea may sound farfetched but actually it is not at all. In essence, they are all monotheistic religions with several – often mutually recognised – prophets.

Religion is the only (serious) countervailing power to Politics. However, the real challenge lies in Politics: will Politics follow a unified Religion or will the relentless human ambition for (authoritarian) power win? The increase in (large) authoritarian regimes may indicate the latter.

Is there an alternative to Politics? That seems to be the ultimate question. Wikipedia: “The democracy of ancient Athens was a nonpartisan, direct democracy where eligible citizens voted on laws themselves rather than electing representatives”. Also see my blogs of 5 March 2015 (To vote or not to vote?) and 9 February 2015 (Parliamentary democracy in the Age of Wisdom).

Cynics may argue that the people (voters) get what they deserve (politicians). And cynicism always works in favour of the (more) extreme political parties. As Marvin Gaye once sang: “We don’t need to escalate. War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate”. 

Why can’t we give love that one more chance? ‘Cause love’s such an old-fashioned word. And love dares you to care for The people on the edge of the night. And love dares you to change our way of Caring about ourselves. Queen – Under Pressure

Queen featuring David Bowie – Under Pressure (1981) – lyrics, Wiki

Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On (1971) – artist, lyrics, Wiki-1, Wiki-2




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